Saturday, February 28, 2009

Cat Food Recipes

Cats are carnivores and should be fed as such. They evolved to process raw meat, and this is a recipe for a balanced raw meat diet. Nothing is optional-not the bones, not the supplements, not the organs-believe me, if I could, I would cut stuff from this recipe, too. Simply put, though, cats have strange metabolic requirements and must process animal protein. The recipe below is what I make up once a month for my cat Shadow. It costs about $20 a month for everything (the supplements last a long time), and she is obnoxiously healthy for it.

5 lbs chicken legs, trimmed, with no skins

1 lb chicken heart

1/2 lb chicken liver

3 Vitamin B 100 complex vitamins

5 capsules of salmon oil

1 capsule of kelp

1 cup of cooked brown rice (I don't like to feed rice, but it really helps with the hairballs)

2-5 egg yolks

This recipe is loosely based on the recipe found on I've basically translated everything into pounds, rounded to the nearest easy-to-remember number, and juggled the supplements a bit, since Shadow is a young and healthy cat and doesn't need as much by way of preventive medicine.

And basically, I send everything through a grinder. Chicken legs, complete with bones, the heart, the liver, the rice-all of it gets ground up into a pink sludge. I sprinkle in the contents of the vitamin capsules, dump in the egg yolks, add enough water to make it easier to mix, and stir.

If you've only just decided to transition your cat to raw, don't go out and buy all of this stuff right away; a grinder is expensive, and the supplements aren't cheap, either. You will probably want to buy a bit of chicken and cut off little pieces, and offer them to your cat-how well it's accepted will be an indication as to how easy the transition can be. The website contains a lot of information about how to transition your cat, why feeding raw is the best, and how to go about doing this.


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