Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Iams Weight Control Dry Cat Food is the Cat's Meow

How do you write a product review about a cat food? You could rate it based on whether your cat eats it, but won't a cat eat pretty much anything if it's hungry enough? Especially if the cat food you're trying to rate is all you feed it? I have a better solution. I interviewed our cat, Pearl for this product review. She has been eating Iams dry cat food since kittenhood. She began on Iams Kitten™ formula, moved up to the adult formula, Iams Original™ and when she started to look a bit pudgy, settled in with Iams Weight Control™ formula. So, Pearl is somewhat of an expert on Iams dry cat foods. She is more qualified than I am to rate Iams Weight Control™ dry cat food. She will tell you it's the cat's meow! But, let's hear the product review in her words.

CG- Pearl, what do you think of Iams Weight Control™ dry cat food?

PG- Meooooooooooooooow. [Is it time to eat?]

(From here onward, I will translate Pearl's answers to reduce the incidence of the word "Meow," in this product review.)

CG- How does Iams Weight Control™ dry cat food compare to the other Iams dry cat food you've tried?

PG- Iams Kitten™ formula was the most delectable, but eating too much of it is how I ended up on Iams Weight Control™ dry cat food. I still chase my tail now and then, but not enough to use up those extra calories in kitten food, I guess.

CG- How does Iams Weight Control dry cat food compare to canned cat food?

PG- I have never been a fan of canned cat food. It comes in two varieties, mushy and gooey. Yuck. I like some crunch in my food.

CG- Is Iams Weight Control™dry cat food better tasting than other brands of dry cat food?

PG- The vet said it's the best. Why would I try another brand?

CG- Iams Weight Control™ does cost a little more than some common brands of dry cat food, right? $7 or $8 for a 4 pound bag?

PG- I'm worth every cent.

CG- Did the recent recalls of cat food scare you?

PG- Sure did. I checked the bag myself to make sure none of that tainted wheat gluten was in there. Then I heard there were other bad things in dry cat foods like BHA and BHT, ethoxyquin and propylene glycol. I gave that ingredients list the cat's eye. Not one of those dangerous ingredients is in my Iams Weight Control™cat food, I'm relieved to say.

CG- Now, an important question in this product review is whether Iams Weight Control™ formula helped you to manage your weight?

PG- I'm a cat. When someone is pouring cat food in my bowl, I bump up against them as hard as I can, hoping they'll spill the whole container right smack into my food bowl.

CG- So your weight...

PG- One time, the cover fell off that plastic container we store my cat food in. What a bonanza that was. I had to eat off the floor though.

CG- Pearl, can you tell me whether Iams Weight Control™formula dry cat food has actually brought your weight down?

PG- I weigh a measly 9 pounds, these days. The vet says that's healthy. So maybe I can have seconds tonight?

CG- We'll discuss it. Is there anything else you think it's important for cat owners to know about Iams Weight Control™dry cat food?

PG- It comes in a pretty turquiose bag. A strong bag that cats can't claw open. And those little cat food nuggets, they sound like a rainforest rhythm stick when they pour into my little ceramic cat bowl. C'mon over to my house and pour some so you can see for yourself.

It appears that Pearl has found the purr-fect nutrition for her needs, Iams Weight Control™ dry cat food.

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