Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Feed Your Kitty Raw Cat Food for Less Vet Visits

Wild cats eat nothing but "raw meat" with few exceptions. So, what has changed in the last several thousands years? Are house cats any different than wild cats? Not really. Most cats have an easy time returning to the wild and their digestive systems are largely the same as their wild counterparts.

So, why are you feeding your kitty wheat and corn? Cats don´t eat grass seed. And it shows. Have you noticed that your kitty is overweight and often sickly? Hopefully your cat is the "mouse-catcher" around the house and it has been able to balance out its diet naturally. If not, your kitty may be sluggish and prone to sickness.

Research has shown that feeding your kitty raw cat food, can lead to less pet visits. The reason? Raw food is not the same as cooked food. Raw food contains natural enzymes that are still intact. Also, many vitamins are destroyed by cooking. Humans are the only creatures who cook their food. The rest of the animal kingdom eats it raw. And that is how cats have evolved. Their digestive systems are adapted to raw food.

Raw cat food is not difficult to prepare. It does take a little extra work. But, isn´t your kitty´s health worth it. You can prepare a weeks worth in an hour or so, then you can freeze it and it will stay fresh. The day before, you can take out a frozen packet and let it thaw in the fridge.

Do you have to worry about "food poisoning?" Well, do you think a lion gets food poisoning? No, not if they eat fresh meat. Actually, even humans can eat fresh meat - raw fish, even raw beef and other sea food are ok to eat raw as long as they´re fresh.

So, do you want to have less vet visits and better health for your kitty? Then try a raw diet. Your kitty will thank you.


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