Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Cat Food Diet: the High Price of Premium Cat Food

Recently I went to visit my local pet store to pick up a bag of Hill's Science Diet Cat Food. This cat food diet is by far considered the best on the market. I've been buying it for my cats on and off since I took them in years ago. I think I was brainwashed by a veterinarian who basically told me that people who feed their cats $7 bags of cat food on a regular basis were hurting them. He went into a whole spiel about how quality cat foods, like Hill's Science Diet Cat Food, contribute to the cats overall health.

And he was right. When I started feeding my cats Hills Science Diet cat food my cats became more vibrant and active. Their coats became shiny and soft. The absolutely loved this cat food diet. So I've continued to pay the high price tag for this popular cat food.

Talk About Sticker Shock

So on my most recent visit to the pet store, I went down the cat aisle and reached down to find that large bag of Hills Science Diet cat food, and my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets...

The price of a 20 lb bag of regular Hill's Science Diet Cat Food had skyrocketed to $38 !! The same bag of food went for about $26 not long ago! The other varieties of Science Diet were slightly less, but my cats are very finicky --- they will only eat the Regular Adult Cat Food. No Science Diet Light, no Hairball Control, none of that.

I stood back up in utter shock, absorbing this new information. Boy, manufacturers and retailers are really trying to get every shiny nickel in our wallets these days, huh? I can't count the number of times I've come to a retail store only to be met with outrageous new prices for the same or a lesser amount of product.

Finally, after a few moments of cursing the powers that be of the pet food industry, I finally gave in and reached down to grab that $40 bag of Hill's Science Diet cat food. Only because I love my cats with all my heart.

I shook my head in disgust as I forked over $42 including tax for a 20 lb bag of cat food. I barely spend $40 on my own food when I visit the supermarket! I still can't understand what they put in that food for felines that could cost that much to acquire. It's kibbles after all.


If you are a faithful Hill's Science Diet cat food buyer, you can probably relate. It's a good product, but can we really justify spending $500 or more per year on our pets' kibbles? Not to mention, I buy them wet food in addition to the premium dry cat food diet.

So now I'm thinking about looking into an alternative premium cat food diet. There has got to be a more reasonably priced cat food out there with the same nutritional benefits as Science Diet. Purina One? Iams? Who knows. My search continues.


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